Sunday 7 December 2008

World Today (For Teenagers)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


It is sad to see our world today. Human just having fun without thinking what they suppose to think. Everyday, when we go out to our school, a hundred of other children just stay at their home, have nothing to do. Even when we stay at our home, there is no insurance to stay safe. Everyone is trying to have fun, they just care about money making, because they think that can make them happy. But unfortunately, even money can't satisfied them. Because human is so selfish, even to themselves.

Our prophet (Peace be upon him) said: If son of Adam is given one golden cave, they will ask another. Today: A lot of people don't eat, just because others waste their money to have fun and don't use it for Shadaqa. This is not a speech, it is just a reminder. For he who forgot.

World Today

"More than 160 US NATO vehicles burned in Pakistan, Riots in two Greek cities after teen killed, McCain: Afghanistan situation will get harder, 10 gunmen soldier killed in shootout in Mexico, etc..."

Do you know why all of this terrible things happen? The answer is too simple: "Because we are human". And that is exactly what human do: They are thinking something that is not their job. Just let big people do big things, without our interruption. Because we are not smarter then them, and if we are, we'll be at their position. It is ego that led to that way.

If we just do our job (also social job) that is not more than what we should do, like learning, praying, giving shadaqa, helping neighborhood and parents, etc, this kind of thing should not happen. Remember: "Every bad things come from human's hand, and the good one come from Allah".

So don't talk politic (or something like that) with your friends at school, it will just decrease your focus on studying. You should realize that you are teenager, so do teenagers stuff. But don't forget to advice others because our prophet (Peace be upon Him) said: (This) religion (It means: Islam) is Nasheeha (Advice). But while you are advising others, don't forget yourself. Allah said:
أتأمرون الناس بلبر و تنسون أنفسكم

So teenagers, brothers in Islam, save yourself and your family from hell. Lets get back to Islam. May peace also be upon our prophet, Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, and all human who follow his way until the judgment day. Wallahu A'alam.

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