Thursday, 11 February 2010

Introduction to "Beliefs" (Poetry)

Have thou not seen,
Atheism, an uncured pain,
Darkness art thou!
Shalt thou remain silent, O theist?

Allah, my God and only,
O never shalt I invoke,
Unless to Thy holy name,
not to muses, O they art dreams and only.

I stand but in the middle,
Cold debate of belief,
Shalt it ever end?

O have history witness?
Complexion of such,
I and my brother see.

Shalt I cry,
While a man indeed I am,
Can thee stand,
Indeed thee art a sister.

But will thou ready?
O witnessing our world hanged.
Such act indeed,
and will never belong of men.

Atheism, whom called Chaos,
Desire they art of peace,
But they indeed make no good,
But torturing belief of men,
What can be more genius crime?

Theist, whom called Debate
O have thou see not?
God can ever not be plural.
Shall it be two or trinity?
never, verily he is one.

These days CHAOS spake,
of free speech as never before,
indeed, intention is to truth,
but thou lead not but to abyss.

Of free speech indeed I am,
to speak according to faith of mine,
a poetry used by my mind,
for thee to read.

Behold! O humankind.
Never thy forget to say,
"Thank you" to thy leader,
Kings, or presidents, or any of sort,
"For letting me believe in my faith"