One day, when I was bored in youtube, someone comment on my page saying: There is no God. Start from there, then look around you at what people do in the name of this non existent god. I always think before deciding anything, sometimes its wrong and sometimes its right. So I think about what he says. His first word; There is no God. I've think and I've get a conclusion:
The presence of footsteps, is the evidence that there was a people there...
The presence of water, is the evidence that living organisms is possible to live there...
The presence of world, its energy, the sun and whole the universe, is the evidence that God Exist...
I've try to prove that God does not exist, believe me, but I found nothing to prove it.
Even Newton's law of motion says, "A matter will remain in its state unless external force acts upon it." So who will acts a force upon this whole universe? There must exist an Absolute Power, or we will never existed.
So, his first statement is wrong, automatically his later statements will be wrong.
May peace always be upon our Prophet: Muhammad Peace and Blessing be Upon Him.